I offer additional support for those struggling to overcome eating disorders, including anorexia, orthorexia, bulimia, binge, and overeating. Health coaching is not intended to take the place of in-patient, or out patient treatment, traditional talk therapy, or medical care. It can, however, compliment these other treatment modalities, and further the benefits. I work with you individually, and also have experience working with treatment teams and family members to enhance support. Clients often find that having a health coach who has been where they are, and knows first hand what it is like to navigate the recovery process can be especially inspiring, and helpful in healing.

Clients who benefit from recovery coaching are also those who may not, from a clinical medical perspective, fit diagnostic criteria – especially physically – for eating disorders, and who nonetheless struggle chronically around food and body image.

Recovery coaching can also be a great next step for those who are well along in their physical recovery, have already gone through treatment and talk therapy, and are ready for an embodied approach to working through the emotional layers of disordered eating, and creating a new narrative around what it means to both suffer and recover that is life affirming, and essentially empowering.

As a recovery coach I provide tips, and tools that can include creative processes such as writing, support around implementing meal and exercise plans, re-integration into family and community following in-patient treatment, grocery buddy excursions and sharing

I offer wisdom, insight, and compassion born of personal experience to guide you in finding your own way through the labyrinth of recovery.

Please note: If you are in a place with disordered eating that that falls outside, medically or psychologically, what I am able to offer through health coaching, I am happy to provide referral sources.